where does download files gone



Im running windows vista now & I want to download some files from internet

frist I selct where I want to seve the file then the file is getting
download but after the download complited a sound pops & download screan goes
off without asking me to run or close the pops???

even in the path which I give to be save in it I did not get any downloaded

where does the downloaded file gone ???


Take a look in users/download it might be in there. If you gave a folder in
the root of the C drive you don't have permission to do anything there nor
see it.


Jimmy Brush


You might check the following locations:

C:\Users\$user$\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low

Where $user$ is your username.


Hi, I am having the same problem as abdullah "I cannot find files I have
downloaded". The problem is when I look in the suggested locations by Jimmy
Brush there is no folder called appdata in users.
Plaese help

Jimmy Brush


The AppData folder is hidden, and it is inside your user folder, not the
users folder.

To get to it, you can type it directly in to the address bar at the top of
the explorer window.

- Click a blank area in the bar at the top - it will turn into a box that
you can type in
- Type: C:\Users\NAME\AppData
(Where NAME is your username)
- Press enter

- JB
Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User

Windows Vista Support Faq


Ok I understand, I now have the appdata folder in user, it was hidden,
however is till cannot see the files. I have tried "show hidden files" but
they are still not there i have looked in all the locations and have ran
numerous searches.

Do you have any other suggestions? You said in my thread the files were
security-restricted. I have saved them to other locations like documents
pictures etc. and they are still not being displayed. Everytime the download
dialogue box gets to 99% it closes itself and I hear a sound. What could this

Jimmy Brush

Did you look in these folders:

C:\Users\$user$\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low

I believe they should be in these somewhere.

I'm afraid I have no explanation why your downloads wouldn't appear in your
documents/download folder - there should not be a problem downloading to
those folders.

- JB
Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User

Windows Vista Support Faq


I Checked the following:
C:\Users\$user$\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low

When I did this I got as far as the Windows folder. I could not proceed as
there is no folder named "Temporary Internet Files" in "Windows"

I then tried this location:

I got to the "Virtual Store" folder. There were no files in it but there
were 2 more folders, "Windows" and "Program Files"

I'm not sure what the problem could be. Do you know an e-mail address where
I can contact windows about this? If not I will just have to reinstall
Windows Vista.

Thank You for your help!

Jimmy Brush

I then tried this location:
I got to the "Virtual Store" folder. There were no files in it but there
were 2 more folders, "Windows" and "Program Files"

Try checking inside these folders, as well as any folders inside them. There
shouldn't be that many.

You should also try clicking Start, clicking Computer, and then browsing to
the folder that your files should be in. If there is a button on the toolbar
that says "Show compatability files", your files may be there.
I'm not sure what the problem could be. Do you know an e-mail address
I can contact windows about this? If not I will just have to reinstall
Windows Vista.

Thank You for your help!

You might try here:


- JB
Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User

Windows Vista Support Faq


I'm facing the same issue.

Does anyone has a fix for this please reply.

I'm unable to find the file after the download, no matter where do I save it.
May it be My Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc.

It completes the download and the file dissappears.

And its not only with exe files as I have tried downloading zip, pdf, exe,
rar but of no avail.

File is not even locatable in the search, it simply vanishes.


Tushar said:
I'm facing the same issue.

Does anyone has a fix for this please reply.

I'm unable to find the file after the download, no matter where do I save it.
May it be My Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc.

It completes the download and the file dissappears.

And its not only with exe files as I have tried downloading zip, pdf, exe,
rar but of no avail.

File is not even locatable in the search, it simply vanishes.


I have the same problem.
Search provides the shortcut with a target to the folder and the file name,
but the file is not there.

Microsoft wants to charge me $60 to tell me how to fix their software issue
on this somewhat unstable operating system.

Does anyone @ Microsoft read these or know how to resolve this issue?

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