where does Console.WriteLine() goto?



In j2ee/JBuilder/WebLogic when you do a System.err.println(), you can see
the messages in the console that started the server. When I tried the same
type of thing with VS 2k3 .NET and ASPX, I don't see the messages. Where do
they go? What is the suggest logging method to use for debugging and for
development apps?

I broke out the question into two parts cause I'm looking to find out how to
do quick'n'dirty debugging on the fly vs something a bit more formal and



Console.Write line writes to the TextWriter assigned to
the Console.Out property. You can use Console.SetOut to
change this.

The recommended logging method is to use
System.Diagnostics.Debug class for debug messages and
System.Diagnostics.Trace class for general tracing

The easiest way to see trace messages in an ASP.NET
application is to either set Trace="true" in the Page
directive in your ASPX page to have trace messages
included at the end of the page or configure the trace
element in the system.web section of the web.config file.
Like this:
<trace enabled="true" requestLimit="10"
pageOutput="false" traceMode="SortByTime"
localOnly="true" />

You can see trace messages for the entire application in
by navigating to trace.axd on the root of the application.

Anders Norås - blog:

-----Original Message-----
In j2ee/JBuilder/WebLogic when you do a
System.err.println(), you can see


AHHH! Cool! Thank you for the information and the quick reply! :> I'll
check this out when I get to that machine tonight! :> Thank you.

Scott M.

You can see trace messages for the entire application in
But you must have your application running when you attempt to do so as
trace.axd is a virtual file and does not actually exist on the hard drive.

-----Original Message-----
In j2ee/JBuilder/WebLogic when you do a
System.err.println(), you can see

Jeff Dillon

Or just use realtime debugging in VS.NET

Console.Write line writes to the TextWriter assigned to
the Console.Out property. You can use Console.SetOut to
change this.

The recommended logging method is to use
System.Diagnostics.Debug class for debug messages and
System.Diagnostics.Trace class for general tracing

The easiest way to see trace messages in an ASP.NET
application is to either set Trace="true" in the Page
directive in your ASPX page to have trace messages
included at the end of the page or configure the trace
element in the system.web section of the web.config file.
Like this:
<trace enabled="true" requestLimit="10"
pageOutput="false" traceMode="SortByTime"
localOnly="true" />

You can see trace messages for the entire application in
by navigating to trace.axd on the root of the application.

Anders Norås - blog:

-----Original Message-----
In j2ee/JBuilder/WebLogic when you do a
System.err.println(), you can see

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