Ken Curtis
I am currently building a data base, and it is going very well for exactly
two reasons: First, I don't give up, and, second, you folks are GREAT !!!
Really. All of you have been staggeringly helpful, deeply knowledgble, openly
willing to help, super creative ... and fast!
That said (and it really should be said more often), I have one of those
questions that must leave you people looking at your screens and wondering
how I manage to walk and breathe at the same time. And rightly so. But ...
I really do need this question answered.
When you create something like this (below) in response to a problem I have
posed I don't know where to put it. Do I copy and paste it into the
"Properties" area (i.e. onclick, beforeupdate, etc), is it a "macro" (which
I am only now beginning to understand is not a nerdy abreviation for Kraft
Dinner), or ... or ... or. I know that it will work because you folks
thought it through, but I suspect that it would work far better if I actually
added it to something, somewhere. Is there a general rule for this (except
for 'lock the guy up')?
Thanks ! Here's the example:
Private Sub YourTextBoxName_Click()
Me.YourTextBoxName.SelStart = 0
End Sub
two reasons: First, I don't give up, and, second, you folks are GREAT !!!
Really. All of you have been staggeringly helpful, deeply knowledgble, openly
willing to help, super creative ... and fast!
That said (and it really should be said more often), I have one of those
questions that must leave you people looking at your screens and wondering
how I manage to walk and breathe at the same time. And rightly so. But ...
I really do need this question answered.
When you create something like this (below) in response to a problem I have
posed I don't know where to put it. Do I copy and paste it into the
"Properties" area (i.e. onclick, beforeupdate, etc), is it a "macro" (which
I am only now beginning to understand is not a nerdy abreviation for Kraft
Dinner), or ... or ... or. I know that it will work because you folks
thought it through, but I suspect that it would work far better if I actually
added it to something, somewhere. Is there a general rule for this (except
for 'lock the guy up')?
Thanks ! Here's the example:
Private Sub YourTextBoxName_Click()
Me.YourTextBoxName.SelStart = 0
End Sub