Where do I find IE6??

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My computer is being crashed a long time (from 2000 to a few weeks ago) and
I'd like to now where I can download IE6 now still.

You'll quest: why do you not download the béta from IE7?
Whell, i've an answer for that. I'm running Windows 98.

And I'm working on my dad's PC now, because I'm not possible to use my
normal computer...

Let know something when someone here is having an answer.

To that time: have a nice day further!

What problems are you experiencing that you think reinstalling IE6 will resolve, Daan?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Security, Shell/User)
Some programs are requesting IE5 or higher. So...

But, another person, Doony Broome has already answered on my question.

But, thanks for reacting! Have a nice day further, OK?

See you!
Well, I'm doing this only because I can install some programs that requires
IE5 or higher. I don't have an Internet-connection any more because my PC was
crashed for a very long time... (6 years)

So... I'm looking for the files the installer have to download. They don't
have to be in a ZIP-file, if they don't I'll zip them.

Than I'll need the place where the installer is saving his temporarily
files. The installer himself I have now, the files have to come now...

Well, I don't know where to find these things but... maybe you can do some

The rest thing I can say is: have a nice day!
These newsgroups exist in several languages, perhaps even your own. What
is your native language?
I know, but I use Internet-e-mail and not a normal E-mail account via an ISP.

But, never mind, let's close this conversation because I don't need it

Thank you all for all this reactions, OK?