You may not know what to write in a letter, but your ability to 'understate'
is unsurpassed..
<quote> I probably did not correctly express what it was that I wanted..
Absolutely, you did not probably express what it was that you wanted.. how
could you or anybody expect a professional answer based on the less than
informative initial post?
Something you should bear in mind is that this group exists to help people
with the nuances of the MS Office Suite, which does not include basic letter
writing skills..
However, the vehicle used to get you thus far, the Internet, is a great
place for finding out how to do things like basic letter writing.. to this
end I typed the following text in my search engine of preference..
writing a professional letter
The results for the search are as follows..
Results 1 - 10 of about 34,500,000 for writing a professional letter. (0.08
This is one of the hits which you may care to peruse, noting down techniques
and ideas that may be of use to you in carrying out your task