Where did my faxes go? No sent items?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jerry
  • Start date Start date


I do remember this was an issue when I switched from XP to Vista. I solved
it then, but don't remember the solution.
Now I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 64-bit and Office 2007 Standard
and the issue is there again.

All my received faxes are in My Documents/Fax/Inbox and those that I sent
are in My Documents/Fax/SentItems.
When I run the Windows Fax and Scan app, I can see all the faxes from my
Inbox, but none from the sent items. Also, the ones in the inbox have all
the wrong info in the list: the sender for all is Microsoft Fax and Scan
Team, subject is Welcome to Windows Fax and Scan, the date is today, pages 1
and fax account Microsoft.

Can anyone please help me get it right, so that I can see all my received
and sent faxes and with correct information?
Was this a clean install? Because that's not the Folder WFS uses for storing
faxes. WFS stores the faxes for your local account in
ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax\ or whatever its counterpart is in
Windows 7. It only uses your Documents folder for sample or welcome faxes
that install with the program.
Did you create a new fax account for WFS? Did you attempt to integrate WFS
with Outlook?
It was a clean install. I created the folders in My Documents (copied them
from my backup).
I did create a new fax account. How do you integrate WFS with Outlook?
Getting muddier. As I understand your reply, you moved faxes from your
previous Vista installation to the wrong location in Windows 7. That would
certainly explain why WFS would be unable to see them. Any other details
you've left out?
You don't need to integrate WFS with Outlook. You're the one who brought up
Office 2007 as if it were relevant. If you aren't using WFS with Outlook,
your Office version is not in play here.
OK, let me clear the mud :-)
Sorry for not being clear in the first place.

I have placed my old faxes - true - in the place where WFS does not expect
them. But I (WFS) can see those that are in this "wrong" Inbox! Not those
in the - equally wrong - Sent Items. Can see the Inbox, yes, but with all
those erroneous entries for the basic info. Mistery?

Anyway, my question is the following: how can I get my old faxes to show
correctly in WFS on my new Windows 7 machine? I did try to place them in
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax, but that did not help.
No idea. Post in a Windows 7 group. This is a Vista group. I'm sure
Microsoft has provided for your every need with support of its brand new
product, right? I have no intention of trying Windows 7 until it has passed
muster, if it ever does.
I remember that I had this problem when migrating from XP to Vista and also that there were a way to recover items in the Sent Box. Now are facing the same problem again and as you don't remember the exact solution.I just remember that it involves to change the first part of the name of any sent items from the one they have to the new user id that could be found in the registry HKEY_USERS, but don't figure what else should be done, because this way don't work now.Seven has introduced some changes in wfs (use of folders in My documents, while keeping the original situation of files) and maybe they has change something else....

Post Originated from http://www.VistaForums.com Vista Support Forums
Ok. This finally work.After creating my fax account and a restart system, the sent items apeared in windows fax and scan program.The trick is:Found the current user Hive in HKEY_USERS (the long one) and use this to change the name of all sent items.let see:Current Hive: "S-1-5-21-1584226778-3064865967-2209379947-1000"Old sent item mame: "S-1-5-21-1589746778-2082461927-120566379449-1000$201c7b4ea8f3572.tif"New sent item name: "S-1-5-21-1584226778-3064865967-2209379947-1000$201c7b4ea8f3572.tif"

Post Originated from http://www.VistaForums.com Vista Support Forums