Where did my Dataset Go?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wayne Wengert
  • Start date Start date

Wayne Wengert

I have a VB App (VSNET 2003) in which, during form load, I create a dataset
(ds1) and then populate a datagrid by binding to the dataset. That works
fine. The form has a button which, when clicked, initiates an export
process. When the button click event opens, the dataset is "Nothing". The
dataset is Dim'ed to be available throughout the form. Other variables
dim'ed at that same point are fine and can be used within the button click

What is closing my dataset?

Sorry - It is a Windows app. Portion of code follows:

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Dim cn As SqlConnection

Dim strSelectedRegionalID = "Denver"

Dim strSQL As String

Dim ds1 As DataSet

Dim ShowSets As DataRelation

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

Public Sub New()


'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

End Sub

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.

Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

If disposing Then

If Not (components Is Nothing) Then


End If

End If


End Sub

'Required by the Windows Form Designer

Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.

Friend WithEvents DataGrid1 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid

Friend WithEvents btnXMLExport As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Friend WithEvents SaveFileDialog1 As System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog

Friend WithEvents DataGrid2 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid

<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()

Me.DataGrid1 = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid

Me.btnXMLExport = New System.Windows.Forms.Button

Me.SaveFileDialog1 = New System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog

Me.DataGrid2 = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid

CType(Me.DataGrid1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()

CType(Me.DataGrid2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()





Me.DataGrid1.DataMember = ""

Me.DataGrid1.HeaderForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText

Me.DataGrid1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 39)

Me.DataGrid1.Name = "DataGrid1"

Me.DataGrid1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(472, 160)

Me.DataGrid1.TabIndex = 0




Me.btnXMLExport.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(186, 429)

Me.btnXMLExport.Name = "btnXMLExport"

Me.btnXMLExport.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(104, 23)

Me.btnXMLExport.TabIndex = 1

Me.btnXMLExport.Text = "Export to XML"




Me.DataGrid2.DataMember = ""

Me.DataGrid2.HeaderForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText

Me.DataGrid2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 239)

Me.DataGrid2.Name = "DataGrid2"

Me.DataGrid2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(472, 146)

Me.DataGrid2.TabIndex = 2




Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)

Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(493, 457)




Me.Name = "Form1"

Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen

Me.Text = "Form1"

CType(Me.DataGrid1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()

CType(Me.DataGrid2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()


End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'Load the data


DataGrid1.DataSource = ds1

DataGrid1.DataMember = "CGShows" '<= ds1 is fine here

/'Wait for user to Click Button

Private Sub btnXMLExport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnXMLExport.Click

Dim filename As String = "myXmlDoc.xml".

Dim myFileStream As New System.IO.FileStream(filename,

ds1.WriteXml(myFileStream, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema) ' <= ds1 is "Nothing

End Sub

Thanks Greg.

I forgot about Option Strict - I'll address that ASAP. I'll also try your
code to see what happens.
