well as the vista help puts it, it really sounds like there is going to be
no hibernation button on my pc, whereas I've been myself cliking on the
hibernate button and hibernating my pc. Now it doesnt show up and the
documentation says :
"In earlier versions of Windows, standby saves your work to memory and puts
your mobile PC into a power-saving state. Hibernate also puts your mobile PC
into a power-saving state but saves your work to your hard disk so that you
can safely turn off your mobile PC. This version of Windows combines standby
and hibernate into a single power-saving state called sleep."
The link that you mentioned seems to be discussing just the right issue with
me. It says if you accidentally wiped out *hibernation file cleaner* in Disk
Cleanup than hibernation mode can stop working. I remember wiping out things
with disk cleanup cuz i was running out of space