The titles/names I gave my pictures/albums are no longer under the file
folders. When I create a folder to group pictures in I always give it a name
or it at least has the date under it. Now my folders and single pictures are
there but there are no titles, names or even dates under them.
I don't understand what could have happened to cause this. I'm running
Windows XP SP2 and have been since SP2 was first available. I have not
changed anything that I know of in my system nor have I installed anything
lately. If anyone has any idea what might have changed in my system to have
caused this and can tell me how to change it back to where I can see the
titles, names, dates, etc. please let me know how to change it back.
Thanks for any advise you can share.
folders. When I create a folder to group pictures in I always give it a name
or it at least has the date under it. Now my folders and single pictures are
there but there are no titles, names or even dates under them.
I don't understand what could have happened to cause this. I'm running
Windows XP SP2 and have been since SP2 was first available. I have not
changed anything that I know of in my system nor have I installed anything
lately. If anyone has any idea what might have changed in my system to have
caused this and can tell me how to change it back to where I can see the
titles, names, dates, etc. please let me know how to change it back.
Thanks for any advise you can share.