Mrs. D
Howdy! - Brand New to Movie Maker, but someone was kind
enough to send me about 4 minutes of footage from a
movie "Hannibal" - I've made 60 different mini-films from
this footage - changing sound and transitions and adding
my own Hannibal Photos during transition of video clips,
but haven't found any place that will "Share" high
quality video (free) without installing some sort of
adware or bugs...any suggestions? - I don't know anything
about hooking up VCR's, encoders, downloading from tv to
PC's....... and I thought a codec was something you used
once a month....ok? Absolute Newbie...but LOVE making
these films.
enough to send me about 4 minutes of footage from a
movie "Hannibal" - I've made 60 different mini-films from
this footage - changing sound and transitions and adding
my own Hannibal Photos during transition of video clips,
but haven't found any place that will "Share" high
quality video (free) without installing some sort of
adware or bugs...any suggestions? - I don't know anything
about hooking up VCR's, encoders, downloading from tv to
PC's....... and I thought a codec was something you used
once a month....ok? Absolute Newbie...but LOVE making
these films.