Where can we get a free download of the original movie maker?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt
  • Start date Start date


I downloaded Windows Movie Maker 2 because of how great
it was suppose to be. All in all, it sucks. It freezes,
doesn't allow me to preview my movies, takes forever to
load, doesn't give me access to all my clips, and doesn't
save. I know once you download the free upgrade you can't
get the old one back, so I want to know where we can get
a free download of the original windows movie maker, the
good one. Please post a link if you know where.
See the Problem Solving... Go Back to MM1 page of www.papajohn.org

Version 1 isn't available as a download, as it came with the operating
system. If you just upgraded to version 2, the easiest thing to do would be
to do a System Restore to go back.
