Interesting... from a Command Prompt, I can type JVIEW and get a response.
But when I go to /downloaded program files, it's not there!
It was installed when Windows 2000 was installed.
My problem is that Java applets do not work in IE6 ever since I
Sun Java (it didn't go back to using MS Java).
Java-enabled and Java applet-enabled are not the same thing.
Is %system%\Program Files\Java <= this folder [not JavaVM] present? If so,
what is/are the name(s) of its subfolders (and STOP HERE)?
If that folder's not found, you need to install Sun Java runtimes v1.6.0_03.
* Open an Internet Explorer (only) window and go to > In the middle of the page,
click on the Download button to the right of "Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
6u3" > If Information Bar pop-ups up, right-click on it and say it's OK to
display the blocked content.
You do NOT have to install the Java Web Start ActiveX Control!
* Accept the license agreement > Click on "Windows (XP,Vista, .etc) Offline
Installation, Multi-language" and Save the file jre-6u3-windows-i586-p.exe
to your desktop; do not Run it.
* When the download is complete, *close all browser windows* and
double-click on the saved file to install.
* Delete the downloaded installation file after completing the above
procedure AND reboot if not prompted to do so.