Where can I get a list of the available fonts?


Nathan Sokalski

I need to get a list of the available fonts as some type of collection or
array. How can I do this? Thanks.

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

Nathan Sokalski said:
I need to get a list of the available fonts as some type of collection or
array. How can I do this?

Are you talking about Windows Forms or Web Forms? Do you want to enumerate
fonts on the client or on the server?

Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
.... = FontFamily.GetFamilies(g)


Nathan Sokalski said:
I need to get a list of the available fonts as some type of collection or
array. How can I do this? Thanks.


See your installed Help for the article entitled "How to: Enumerate
Installed Fonts". If you have trouble locating it, use the Index and locate
"fonts" and then "enumerating installed" under that.

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