I've search the internet quite a bit. There is tons of information on
preventing hotlinking (a problem I've had and want to prevent). I'm using
FrontPage 2003. I cannot find an .htaccess file, even though FP already has
one. I tried to upload a new file, but when I try to change it from
"htaccess.txt" to ".htaccess" FP won't let me. It just reverts to the .txt
file name.
Secondly, now I've read that changing the htaccess file in FP can cause all
kinds of problems.
I'm tired of people stealing my photos and bandwidth. What can I do?
Also.. I'm getting TONS of bot spam on my "comments" page
preventing hotlinking (a problem I've had and want to prevent). I'm using
FrontPage 2003. I cannot find an .htaccess file, even though FP already has
one. I tried to upload a new file, but when I try to change it from
"htaccess.txt" to ".htaccess" FP won't let me. It just reverts to the .txt
file name.
Secondly, now I've read that changing the htaccess file in FP can cause all
kinds of problems.
I'm tired of people stealing my photos and bandwidth. What can I do?
Also.. I'm getting TONS of bot spam on my "comments" page