where can i find myDVD

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The link provided by Bob answered both questions,
yet you feel compelled to post another reply with
a different link that doesn't even answer either
1) The link is valid and took the poster to the very place where he could
get help...the FAQ section of the company that market the software...don't
think you cab get very much better than that. In addition that page also
provides the link to the purchasing option...what can be better than that?

2) The second part of the OP's question related to the cost and was it free.
I believe I answered that too.

3) You appear to be oblivious that Microsoft are actually logging the
messages in this news group because of the trouble total idiots like you
have caused in the past...sorry, I mean GUTLESS WONDERS LIKE YOU. So rant
away....with any luck Microsoft will complain to your ISP about your
antagonistic attitude and you will find your self busted.

4) I have the apparently unnatural desire to stand by my remarks....why
don't you????????????????