We Live For The One We Die For The One
Just need to see if i made the right choice 

We Live For The One We Die For The One said:Just need to see if i made the right choice
ATI's website has some nice demos (www.ati.com). The car demo is a good
one for showing off the use of displacement maps (part of Truform 2.0). The
Animusic demo and the Rendering with Natural Light are impressive, and their
cell-shaded demo is good too.
If you have Raven Shield, it supports ATI Truform, so does Wolfenstein.
Serious Sam supports it as well, but it's harder to see, and it's also put
to good use in Myth III. Not exactly next-generation DX 9 techonolgy, but
it will really enhance some older games you might have. It can really make
a difference on lighting (on helmets, for instance), as the models will have
hundreds of thousands of polygons. In fact, Raven Shield was pretty much
built for Truform, as you can tell from looking at the models with them off
(relatively low-polygon).
We Live For The One We Die For The One said:Where on the site do i find them >?>??
Tim said:Go to the Developer's section. There you'll find Demo's, as well as some VERY
cool screen savers
in message news:[email protected]...
We Live For The One We Die For The One said:The 9800 demo's will play on my 9600 Pro ??
Well ill find out.