Hi! Does anybody know where to find the bitmaps Access 2000 uses to
represent the different Access object under the Database window? I'm talking
about the icons for the different tables, queries, etc.
For Access 2.0, 95, 97 the images were in a long bitmap embedded into the
msaccess.exe. But in Access 2000 (and above) this bitmap is no longer
present. The closest images I can get are from the icons in the EXE, but
they are not exactly the same, not even in size.
For example, the resource ID #258 and #291 in msaccess.exe (Access 97), are
icon picture strips (992x19, 1302x32), which were the icons for the
different objects (tables, queries, forms,...).
Where are these images stored now and how I can access them? I have searched
these icons and bitmap resources in other DLLs to not avail.
represent the different Access object under the Database window? I'm talking
about the icons for the different tables, queries, etc.
For Access 2.0, 95, 97 the images were in a long bitmap embedded into the
msaccess.exe. But in Access 2000 (and above) this bitmap is no longer
present. The closest images I can get are from the icons in the EXE, but
they are not exactly the same, not even in size.
For example, the resource ID #258 and #291 in msaccess.exe (Access 97), are
icon picture strips (992x19, 1302x32), which were the icons for the
different objects (tables, queries, forms,...).
Where are these images stored now and how I can access them? I have searched
these icons and bitmap resources in other DLLs to not avail.