Whenever I save, it looks bad.

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I made a video for a n English project and it looks really great. As soon as
I saved it then watched it again it looks REALLY terrible. The quality is
awful. Now, I can't even try saving it again because all the video files I
used have big X's through them.

What happened? Can I fix it?
Elementum said:
I made a video for a n English project and it looks
really great. As soon as I saved it then watched it again
it looks REALLY terrible. The quality is awful. Now, I
can't even try saving it again because all the video
files I used have big X's through them.

What happened? Can I fix it?
What format did you save in?

Maybe the following article will offer
some ideas.

How do I save my movie as a
DV-AVI file in Movie Maker?

Try right clicking the red Xs and see if
you can browse to the source files.


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

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I don't know, hehe, it didn't give me choices. I had to send it to a friend
so she could burn it on a DVD. Ugh, that helps NOW, but I guess it's too late?
Uh... Doesn't the red X's mean the orginal source file has been deleted or
moved? My copy of MovieMaker needs those files to stay "as is" for them to
appear in MovieMaker after import. The quality issue may be the orginal file
was 320X240 and your' trying to watch it in full screen...
The red X's result when you try to open the project on another computer.
Movie Maker has a nasty backlash which is that by default all of your
imported music, pictures and videos go into the collections database which is
located on the harddrive. If Windows is installed on drive C, and your
account name is John, your collections file would be located in C:\Documents
and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Movie Maker. You
must first finish the movie prior to trying to burn it to DVD or VCD. Most
likely, when you burned it to DVD, it was done so using MPEG-1 which is 320 x
240 [hence, it's "Postage Stamp" nickname]. Whenever you try to view it on
your normal TV, the image is grossly distorted because it suddenly becomes
full screen. You need to either download codecs for MPEG-2, 3 and 4 [highest
quality] or you may have to purchase them depending upon which software you
are using to convert to DVD.