When ya gotta go....


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
It's good to aim high sometimes, but....Linky Here :lol:If there are any family dogs in the room, better shield their eyes - wouldn't like to start a trend ;)
Been pretty busy, am doing Law & German this year. Just had my mid semester exams & I've got a couple of weeks off so hopefully will be able to get on here a bit. Been missing you guys big time though, even when I don't get on here very much you guys seem to spend a lot of time in my life & thoughts :P
I am way out of the loop though, will need to do some megga backreading to catch up with whats going on here lol. How are you? Been thinking about you a lot lately but always seem to get so busy I never get around to actually sending the emails I plan to :o
I hope the mid-semester exams went well for you and good luck with the German language course too :thumb:

We have all been missing you too Ciri, but realise that you are AWOL in a good cause. ;)

Hope all your animals are well - and John and family too of course, :rolleyes: I always seem to get my priorities a bit mixed-up when it comes to animals and humans. :D

It's great that you have a little time at the moment, hope you can pop into PCR now and then, it's not the same here without the Ciri adventures :nod:
lol, well the animals are doing fine & us humans tag along behind. The Epilepsy assist dog that I got asigned has turned into a horse (Did I mention that she's half black Lab and half Alsation?) & currently takes up most of any room she's in. On top of that she has a tail that should be registered as a lethal weapon and has the Alsation tendency to always leave it sticking straight out behind her when she sits rather than curling it neatly around lol. I always have to make sure that any elevator I get in has space for at least three people in it. One for me, one for Shadow, and one for that tail :nod:
My German written exam did not go so well :( I had a grand mal seizure at lunchtime on the day of the exam and my brain was still full of sludge when I was trying to sit. I'm going to ask for 'special consideration' but doubt that I'll get it. The most any Doctor can write is that I have epilepsy, asides from the bruises (& they don't carry dates) I don't have any evidence that I actually had a seizure on that day. My internal assesment & my oral exam are good enough that I should pass anyway (fingers crossed), but I have to confess that I had been hoping for an A (:o) Vanity I know, but.... it would've been nice and my acceptance into 2nd year Law is based on my average mark from ALL my subjects, not just Law. Will have to try & make up for it next semester I suppose. Will need a very good mark for that to counter what I'll be getting for this one.
Ahhh well... I suppose I really should be being thankfull that it's never happened before. Really I've been very lucky with exams given that stress triggers seizures. Up until now I've always had the seizure after the exam which is a lot luckier than some. Touching wood that such luck continues as the norm.

One thing that's a bit of a laugh, I've been thinking that instead of the dog, what I really should do is stick a harness on my daughter and take her with me everywhere. A 'seizure alert daughter', it's got a ring to it don't you think? This seizure she managed to get across the room so fast she actually caught me before I hit the ground, but the really impressive one was the last seizure I had when she was in bed on the computer on the other side of the house & I was outside, behind 3 closed doors and the length of the house, down by the bridge giving the goose it's night time feed, when I had the seizure. She sat up in bed, said "Debbie's having a seizure" & had bolted outside to me, the rest of the family in tow, before I'd finished fitting. She said she heard me making the funnying breathing noise I make at the start of a seizure... hmmm.... that's take some real 'Clark Kent' type hearing I reckon. last night I was out there & managed to slip on the ice & drop the goose's metal food container on the bricks making a hell of a racket... I was worried that I might've given them a bit of a fright (everyone's on hyper alert for a week or so after I've had a grand mal) but turns out no one heard.
They've never been able to figure out how dogs know when someone's going to have a seizure either.

Anyhow, that's my latest adventures...
Now, just have to figure out how I can get a lead & harness on a teenage daughter... The days have long passed when I could outrun her lol.
Aww heck Ciri, I'm sorry to hear that a seizure chose your exam day to strike, that was rotten luck. Wouldn't be great, if someone could invent a meter of some sort, that could register when you have them - for the benefit of "proof" I mean... although it's a bit tough that anyone would need to have to prove something like that :rolleyes:

Gosh your daughter is showing impressive senses (instincts?) to be so tuned-in to your going into a seizure. Perhaps it has something to do with the close bond between you - or just "mega hearing" although it made me smile, to think that they all missed the clatter of the goose-bowl. She sounds like a very handy girl to have around, particularly when she manages to save you from hitting the floor... ouch!

Shadow sounds like a beautiful dog, I can just imagine him filling up an elevator too! He must be a big lad - I take it that he and Pringle get on okay?

You know... we should all be celebrating your visit, I wonder whether Mucks and Co., could be persuaded to break out the BBQ?

Wishing you and yours well Ciri :wave:
Hey, there ain't no keys to the barbie or beer, one don't need an excuse either.

Me's a G&T


you want the bouncy castle to?
Open up the Tavern...Ciri`s back ..mines a large lager ..cold :)
lol White russian for me thanks and definitely the bouncy castle :nod:


I'm mature, yep :nod:

I don't know how I managed to miss it yesterday Ciri, but I did! :rolleyes: So I've just been checking out your new website, and it is lovely. :nod: It looks very smart and of course, I love your paintings, they're great! Hope you've been getting lots of hits. :D