Joe Smith
For many months now, the AntiSpyware forums have not
supported the forum "search" feature. The message:
We are in the process of upgrading this site to a new
version, as a part of the upgrade we have disabled search
for this site. In the next few weeks this site upgrade
will be complete, including a new Search with improved
functionality. Thank you, Microsoft Communities.
is being displayed instead. Without the search feature,
it is impractical to navigate the pages one-by-one
searching for the keyword or topic you are seeking.
supported the forum "search" feature. The message:
We are in the process of upgrading this site to a new
version, as a part of the upgrade we have disabled search
for this site. In the next few weeks this site upgrade
will be complete, including a new Search with improved
functionality. Thank you, Microsoft Communities.
is being displayed instead. Without the search feature,
it is impractical to navigate the pages one-by-one
searching for the keyword or topic you are seeking.