When sending an email from Word why do I have to add my signature?

  • Thread starter Thread starter trickymom
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When I send an email directly from Word or Excel my signature doesn't
automatically populate like it does in Outlook. Is there any way I can get
it to populate automatically? I have two outlook accounts that I switch back
and forth from and I can never tell which one I am sending email from.
Excel and Word are not e-mail applications. If you want to send an e-mail
from within Word and use the Outlook functionality, then you need to call
Outlook from Word using a macro. The following will attach the current Word
document to an Outlook e-mail message c/w signature for the current default
account: http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm

Sub Send_As_Mail_Attachment()
' send the document as an attachment _
in an Outlook Email message
Dim bStarted As Boolean
Dim oOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oItem As Outlook.MailItem
On Error Resume Next
'Prompt the user to save the document
'Get Outlook if it's running
Set oOutlookApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
'Outlook wasn't running, start it from code
If Err <> 0 Then
Set oOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
bStarted = True
End If
'Create a new mailitem
Set oItem = oOutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With oItem
.to = "" 'Insert an email address if all messages go to the same
'Set the recipient for a copy if required
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "This is the subject"
'Add the document as an attachment, you can use the _
.displayname property
'to set the description that's used in the message
.Attachments.Add Source:=ActiveDocument.FullName, _
Type:=olByValue, DisplayName:="Document as attachment"
End With
'Clean up
Set oItem = Nothing
Set oOutlookApp = Nothing
End Sub