when saving file,movie maker stops responding, also cant preview v

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Hello, Im a first time user,so I,ll try to explain in detail of my problem. I
have always used WMM with no problem. Lately when making my movie, and
wishing to preview it, it wont show movie. The slider bar moves however video
doesnt show. Then when I go and click on the file menu to save movie to my
computor, program stops responding. Often time making movie is lost , as
ending task command is nessasary. I find that I can still do small project at
times,however sometimes have the same problems. Im not sure,what to do
regarding checking for correct space needed,and other tips from help menu.
Have any of you had this problem and can advise me of a proper course of
Graham,thanks for replying. I am using the same kind of file (wmv). I have
installed 2 new programs(Olypus Master -digital camera, and Image Maker).
Microsoft update is always running, and I have reinstalled service pack 2 in
hopes of making a fix. I also have done a c drive system restore.The strange
thing is I am able to do small projects,(joining 1 or 2 wmv),but not of any
thing of size or time lenth. It seems strange that the movie wont play in
preview screen,though play seems activated. Do you have any other
suggestions? I also notice that my last project made the video runs
slow,though sound is fine. what are the requirments for free space needed,
and how do I determine there is enough?
Sounds like a codec problem?

My first step would be to turn off potentially conflicting codecs

<tools><options>[compatibility tab]

A quick test is to turn all the check boxes off and see if the problem
is solved. Frequently the codecs are added for purposes that you will
never use. (just remember in case of future problems).

If this solves the problem.....you can sigh and ignore or, If you wish
to isolate specific codec that is giving problems then you can gradually
turn filters back on until the problem recurs or use Gspot or some other
tool to identify what codecs are potentially used to do the rendering.

If it doesnt solve the problem you will need to use Gspot to identify
the codec and take more drastic action.

Hope this helps
