I try to merge records from two identically designed tables in access by copying the records from one of the tables and using "paste append" to paste them into the other table. This works well, except from, naturally enough, when the records I want to paste result in duplicate key in the table. I get error messages that not all lines can be pasted, and this is ok. What I thought should happen, was that the lines which can not be pasted will be pasted in a own "paste error" file so that I can edit them there, change the key, and paste again. Also the help function in Access tells me that I will get a warning that a paste error table will be created and then such a table. But I don't get this warning, and I don't get the paste error table either! The only thing happening is that the records without duplicate key are pasted in the table, which is good, but I would like to see the leftovers in a paste error file afterwards. Could you help me, why do I not get the paste error table I am expecting?