When I save my forms: "Frontpage Save Results Component" appears-w



Every time I save my forms on Front Page, this appears:
[Frontpage Save Results Component].
Why? and How can I get it off my page!

Thomas A. Rowe

That is normal, you have wait until you have published your site via FP's http mode to a server that
has the FP extensions and has been configured by the host to process email (if the results are being
sent to an email address).

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

[FrontPage Save Results Component] Appears Instead of Form
When you view a page that contains a form that is configured to send the
form results to an e-mail address, you may receive the following message on
the page rather than the form: [FrontPage Save Results Component]

Read this Microsoft Knowledge Base article for possible causes and
solutions: [FrontPage Save Results Component] Appears Instead of Form

Andrew Murray

The pages using FP extension components (such as the form handler) you need the
host the pages on a server using the frontpage server extensions, or if you're
testing the site on your local machine, it needs the Personal Web Server (FP 98
days) or IIS (Win 2k or Win XP Pro/Win 2003).

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