Thanks for taking the time to help. I haven't published the site, but here
is the code for one of the pages. -Brad
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A collection of thoughts regarding the meaning and power of music.
If you have interesting thoughts, send them to us to post here.
By sending your thoughts regarding music, you give us permission to
post them on this site. </div>
Please respect the copyright of others and do not send anything you
don't have appropriate rights to. For example, don't send an
article written by someone else unless you have that person's
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“It is not easy to determine the nature of music
or why anyone should have a knowledge of it.†-
Confucius (551–479 BC) assigned an important
place to music in the service of a well-ordered
moral universe. He saw music and government as
reflecting one another and believed that only
the superior man who can understand music is
equipped to govern. Music, he thought, reveals
character through the six emotions that it can
portray: sorrow, satisfaction, joy, anger,
piety, love. According to Confucius, great music
is in harmony with the universe, restoring order
to the physical world through that harmony.
Music, as a true mirror of character, makes
pretense or deception impossible. -
Encyclopedia Britannica</div>
Music was virtually a department of mathematics
for the philosopher Pythagoras (c. 550 BC). -
Encyclopedia Britannica