Hi there and thanks for the asnwer.
No, I didn't put in in any IFRAME or Frameset. I just inserted using the
regular toolbar Insert-Layert option.
U can see it here: www.chrisland .ro.
It's not in English, but u will be able to figure out what I am talking
about. There is one casette (layer) in Contact Page with phone and fax nr.
and e-mail addresses which I originally inserted into Contact Page. The same
casette appears on all the other pages, including index page (home page)
You have a lot of illegal coding on that page. I suggest you clean it
up. http://validator.w3.org/
You also have inserted some text from Word without cleaning it up
It seems that you include the contacts page on all other pages.
Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.