When I double click on excel files, error message:cannot find fil.

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Error Message: Cannot find file (or one of its components). Make sure all the
path and filename are correct and all the required libraries are available.

If I open excel, and go File - Open and open the file from there, i have no

Please help
Previously posted by Ron de Bruin

Tools>Options>General uncheck "Ignore other Applications"
Exit Excel and try again

If this doesn't work try to re-register Excel

Close Excel first and
On the Windows Taskbar

1 ) Start>Run "excel.exe /unregserver"(no quotes)>OK.
2) Start>Run "excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.
See the space between exe and /regserver

You might have to designate a full path to excel.exe.
In that case Start>Run "C:\yourpath\excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.