When creating a new email, I get " Messaging interface returns un.



When I try to use any part of my email in Outlook 2003, I get the message"The
messaging interface has received and unknown error. If the problem persissts,
restart Outlook." I have restarted, cleaned my deleted, sent and inbox.
Restarted compyuter and run xoft and Regcure, but can't corret error.


Yes, I did. I also tried uninstalling the latest update, as that is when it
seemed to stop working. That kept my address book from opening. I reinstalled
it, and address works, but email is still down. It appears to be stuck in
the "find" mode of the email, as that title in the menu bar stays
highlighted. I tried doing a find and it works. I then tried a cancel, which
stopped the search, but didn't fix the problem. I also tried to reset the
email settings, but can't get into that either.

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