You must not have read far enough down. The answer is there:
"Try checking the properties of the following files: outlook.srs,
outlook.dat and views.dat-- or they may have a different filename, but there
aren't many files in that folder.
These files are located in:
c:\document & settings\<Username>\application data\microsoft\outlook
What most likely is the problem is that these files now say read-only and
you need to change the setting. This should correct the problem."
: thank you. i don't have money to pay for support services. is there
: possible link or answer to this question?
: thanks
: "Tom [Pepper] Willett" wrote:
: >
: >
: >
: > : > : when I click send/receive mail button, I get message "you don't have
: > : permission to perform this operation" what do I do?
: >
: >
: >