I love the "using" construct, just think of it as
ry{ }finally{myUsedObject.Dispose() }.
To make it clear, the following two pieces of code are exactly the same:
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
return ExecuteNonQuery(cn, commandType, commandText,
SqlConnection cn=null;
cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
return ExecuteNonQuery(cn, commandType, commandText,
The benefit that both of these examples have is that Dispose will always get
called, even if an exception is thrown inside ExecuteNonQuery, since the
finally is guaranteed to run. If you don't have the finally then you would
not close the connection at all on exceptions, enough of those put together
and bad mojo will happen.
Angel Saenz-Badillos [MS] Managed Providers
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Nope. It's ok. Note that the Using operator automatically calls Dispose on
objects created in its scope. Dispose calls Close.
No, I don't like this approach because it causes perfectly sane developers
to ask questions (good questions) like this. I prefer to call Close
explicitly--but with this syntax there was no place to put a Close.
This operator comes to VB.NET in the Whidbey timeframe. I guess we had (all)
be prepared to understand its use.
William (Bill) Vaughn
Author, Mentor, Consultant
Microsoft MVP
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So this little snippet from DataAccess Application block is bad mojo?
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string connectionString, CommandType
commandType, string commandText, params SqlParameter[] commandParameters)
//create & open a SqlConnection, and dispose of it after we are done.
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
//call the overload that takes a connection in place of the
connection string
return ExecuteNonQuery(cn, commandType, commandText,
Miha Markic said:
Depends on the provider. SqlConnection doesn't close when finalized.
And there is another problem - even if it is closed you won't never know
when it closes because it is in hands of garbage collection.
Bottom point:
Always, close the connection explicitly asap (put Close in finally part of
Miha Markic [MVP C#] - RightHand .NET consulting & development
miha at rthand com
Twitch said:
When an SqlConnection goes out of scope, is the .close() called by it's