Whcih financial year?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jamie
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

I am working on a project with the financial year being 1
April to 31 March. I need to calculate a percentage of
costs depending on what month of this FY they are
incurred. If costs are incurred in , say, May of the
CURRENT year then charge 10%/12*11, June would be
10%/12*10 etc. However, the month will become irrelevant
in the next FY when the charge for these existing costs
would be 10% and for all new additions of costs in that
new FY would be charged with appropriate proportions like

I have tried with Month and Year functions. But not
getting very accurate as the financial year is different
than normal year. I need to write a formula to place in
the correct column everytime the report is run.Have you
done something like this before? Ideas? Any help would be
much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that at the end of each
year i would need to calculate the net cost remaing after
the charges to that point. Hope this makes sense. Thanks.
Hi Jamie
It seems you need to start the year as April = Month 12, with Mar = Month 1

If you take the current month and if it is 3 or less add 8, else substract 4
take, the result from 12 and you are left with the number of months left in
the FY.

Try this which uses the system date to get the current month......

