Whats your website?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I'm probably shooting myself in the foot here for a spam trap, so no 1-post-wonder members in here!

What is your website, if you have one? I'm sure there are plenty of us with a site here, so why not show it off and show us all :D
I ain't bragging about the site since it is just personal ramblings and family photos, some links to my reviews etc. etc.:)

Quadophile's Den
This is post #17 ..... so I guess i'm safe :D

My main website is
www.usalug.org - A Linux forum for Linux users.

I also run many other websites as well. But the one I pay the most attention to is usalug.org
Mainly running phpbb and many feature enhancements and two photogalleries.

It's a work in progress... currently has layout issues and no content as yet. Working on it though, but the company exists - so if you need wireless AV equipment, chuck an email our way and we'll let you know if we can supply.
floppybootstomp said:

Well, you asked ;)

PS: Will be updating pricing shortly, most items are considerably cheaper now.
Floppy has a WebSite :eek:

Oh I shouldn't be posting here ... my site is no more. :(

... but you never know when it'll be back. ;)
ChrisIMRIE said:
Why not Mucks?

What you done to it?
IPB don't accept SOLO cards ... and stopped taking NoCheck. :-(
IPB are? If it's hosting your needing mucks, send me a PM, i do hosting for a living, and tis free for guys i know :)
ChrisIMRIE said:
IPB are? If it's hosting your needing mucks, send me a PM, i do hosting for a living, and tis free for guys i know :)
Thanks, you're not the first, greatly appreciated ... no need for 'another' tech forum. :D

Heck, with all this free Hosting, I could have had 5 sites up by now. LoL
Does a My Space account count???? Its a huge thing here... just a plcae where you can make a personal page where freinds an family can visit and drop a post. I admit I use a few generators for the basic layouts then go into the HTML and customise some things. http://www.myspace.com/hyden_raje stop by let me know what you think.

(Hey Moderators... if this is not what you meant fell free to delete)
well.. my site aint much, its one I made as a hobby a few years back, and needs an overhaul...



its a historical site about the town I Live in.... :D

(and mucks, you can never have enough "tech sites") :cool:
Ive just pulled my site down, twas 32 pages in all but has been reduced to 2 as I have just demolished it !! :) Decided to re-develop the site focusing more on security with other bits n bobs chucked in ... Webstation8 - Bookmark it now and keep it safe for later..... :p
All very impressive!

I really must get around to building a site one day ........

ChrisIMRIE said:
I'll throw mine into the Pan;

Freshly designed... and fresh hosting server i just got aswell...

RandomSheep UK = www.randomsheep.org

I think I might regret asking this, but what's the significance of the sheep thing?

Polite (and non-incriminating) answers only please.;)
Darkness said:
My website is


There isn't a great deal there and im not even sure if i like the site any more (maybe ive seen it too much)

Um, I'm impressed :)

Such a lotta dark horses we got here.

You familiar with Cubase then?


Impressive qualifications you have.

All you have to do now is get a job ;)

So this is where you have to interface with real life and develop people skills.

Good luck with that.
CITech said:

I think I might regret asking this, but what's the significance of the sheep thing?

Polite (and non-incriminating) answers only please.;)

Australian blood somewhere in the genes :eek:

(please direct all outraged text to PM's, I thank you ;) )