What's your 3D mark?

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Those with an A7N8X mobo and Radeon 9800 Pro please could you post in your
3DMark2003 score just for comparison :)

Please use http://www.uploadyourimages.com for uploading the images thanks

Asus A7N8X v2.0 (non-dlx) (BIOS 1004)
AMD Barton 2800+ @ 210 x 11 (=2315Mhz)
3 x 256MB Corsair 3200LL 2-3-2-6
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB (Retail)
Creative Labs Audigy 2
bla bla bla.....

3DMark 2001 SE - 18012
3DMark 2003 - 5666 / 662.0 CPUMarks

Ed said:
Asus A7N8X v2.0 (non-dlx) (BIOS 1004)
AMD Barton 2800+ @ 210 x 11 (=2315Mhz)
3 x 256MB Corsair 3200LL 2-3-2-6
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB (Retail)
Creative Labs Audigy 2
bla bla bla.....

3DMark 2001 SE - 18012
3DMark 2003 - 5666 / 662.0 CPUMarks

I'm getting worried now...I think I have around 4000 on 3DMark2003! :(

I'll retest it and post my results!
Even though you specified a particular mobo and video card--why not open
this up to a variety of Asus motherboards and also videocards--since I read
it, decided to come clean with my own scores which are NOTHING like those
astronomical scores posted on several Web sites for similar setups to
mine--which made me kinda embarassed after a new computer build with decent
components and I could not even come close to any of even the middle posted
scores. My board does not OC well--the following scores don't vary more
than 10 whether I let the SPD detemrine the memory timings of 2.5-3-3-8 or I
set the memory timings of 2-3-3-6 which supposedly meet the specs of the
DIMMs. Whether I run the BIOS AI Overclock on auto or manually set it at
1:1 (200 MHz CPU and 400 MHz DRAM) does not make any difference. IF I set
the video card 3D parameters to performance, it might give me 20 more. If I
overclock it on auto at 5%, the scores might improve by 10 and if I
overclock it at 10%, it becomes totally unstable and will not even boot.
Although I did not build this system to OC it and knew ahead of time that
the mobo and CPU are not famous for their OC'ing, I had hoped just for
experimentation sake, that I could get much better scores...oh well.

3DMark03 = 8546 and 671

Asus P4C800-ED motherboard
RAID 0 Raptors
Radeon x800 Pro
Audigy 2ZX Platinum
Corsair TwinX1024-3200C2Pro DIMMs
