PC133 is usually backwards-compatible with PC100. (There have been
exceptions, but you'd have to be unlucky to find one.)
More likely, your system is not compatible with high-density RAM. The
highest capacity low-density DIMMs are 256 MB. (Most 256 MB DIMMs sold now
are high-density, I believe.)
If you have sufficient information to identify your system (make/model
should be OK), check the selection at
www.crucial.com. (Crucial's prices are
also pretty good, and they guarantee that memory sold to match your system
will be compatible.)
I'm curious as to what system you really have. Your original post said that
you have a PII 466, but those were (if memory serves) never made. The PII
existed at 233, 266, 300, 333, 350, 400, and 450 MHz. (The ones 333 MHz and
below used a 66 MHz bus; 350 and above, 100 MHz.) (There may have been a 466
MHz Celeron, at 7x66 MHz, but I never paid much attention to Celerons.)
Good luck.
Bob Knowlden
Address may be altered to avoid spam. Replace nkbob with bobkn.