Whats Wrong With My PC

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Had a major problem with my pc, dont know what happened but to cut a long
stroy short I have formatted my hard drive and tried to reinstall windows xp
again. I booted from the disc, selected to install xp, and then forat the

It formats ok, but when the pc restarts it gives me the option to boot from
cd, which I do not do as I want to carry on thie install. But instead of
doing this is just seems to freeze.

Any ideas what to do?. I have tried clearing the bios/cmos, the hdd is being
detected ok, as it the cd drive.

What do you mean by 'cleaning the bios or cmos'...there should be no reason
to take that chip out, unless you want to destroy it somehow. Just make sure
it's seated ok if you have to mess with it. Then check your bios settings to
make sure that the cd is first in line for the boot devices, the IDE devices.
DO NOT set a password on your bios. This only makes it more complicated
when trying to manipulate it further..it's a time consumer. I'm sure no one
else kinows what the heck it means when the computer says hold 'F8' down for
startup options, or 'F10'. Then, check the cabling, and make sure it's OK.
Do this while the machine is COOL. Nine times out of 10, the cabling isn't
seated properly, or seated loosely. Next, check the lens of your cd-rom
(dvd/rw, cd/rw) whatever you have. If all else fails, contact your OEM. See
what they have to say about the situation. If this is a home built machine,
you're stuck with it on your own. Check the dip switch settings and things
like that.

Feel free to email me personally, should you have any further questions. My
address should be displayed with this reply.

Harry Flaxman
Applications Engineer (retired)
USN MM1 (retired & disabled)

Just did a rather lengthy reply to your post...if it doesn't show
up...contact me at my hotmail address.

Harry Flaxman
Applications Engineer (retired)
USN MM1 (retired & disabled)
once you choose the setup process, by choosing the CD, you do not press any
keys during the reboot process, windows is in charge until completion.