EXPRESSION: IIf(DCount("*","Files","[14] IN ('Y','N') AND [Review Date]
=#")=0,"N/A",FormatPercent((DCount("*","Files","[14] ='Y' and [Review
Date]=#")/DCount("*","Files","[14] IN ('Y','N') and [Review Date]=#")),0))
I tried to run the formula in a query and i keep getting error message
saying syntax error in date in query expression. Can anyone help? Thank you.
=#")=0,"N/A",FormatPercent((DCount("*","Files","[14] ='Y' and [Review
Date]=#")/DCount("*","Files","[14] IN ('Y','N') and [Review Date]=#")),0))
I tried to run the formula in a query and i keep getting error message
saying syntax error in date in query expression. Can anyone help? Thank you.