I have looked at this append sql and can't figure out why I get error:
"Archiving failed:#3000 Desc: Reserved error (-1524); there is no message
for this error."
Private Sub Archival_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Archival
Dim ws As DAO.Workspace 'Current workspace (for transaction).
Dim db As DAO.Database 'Inside the transaction.
Dim bInTrans As Boolean 'Flag that transaction is active.
Dim strSql As String 'Action query statements.
Dim strMsg As String 'MsgBox message.
'Step 1: Initialize database object inside a transaction.
Set ws = DBEngine(0)
bInTrans = True
Set db = ws(0)
'Step 2: Execute the append.
strSql = "INSERT INTO tblCandidatesArchive "
strSql = strSql & " IN 'G:\Backup\My
Documents\PFS\Recruiting\MyCandidateArchiveTable.accdb' "
strSql = strSql & " SELECT * FROM tblCandidates"
strSql = strSql & " WHERE Archive <= #" & Date & "#;"
'The next statement is where it jumps to Err_Archiving:
db.Execute strSql ', dbFailOnError
'Step 5: Clean up
On Error Resume Next
Set db = Nothing
If bInTrans Then 'Rollback if the transaction is active.
End If
Set ws = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Archiving failed: # " & Err.NUMBER & " Desc: " & Err.Description,
Resume Exit_Archival
End Sub
"Archiving failed:#3000 Desc: Reserved error (-1524); there is no message
for this error."
Private Sub Archival_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Archival
Dim ws As DAO.Workspace 'Current workspace (for transaction).
Dim db As DAO.Database 'Inside the transaction.
Dim bInTrans As Boolean 'Flag that transaction is active.
Dim strSql As String 'Action query statements.
Dim strMsg As String 'MsgBox message.
'Step 1: Initialize database object inside a transaction.
Set ws = DBEngine(0)
bInTrans = True
Set db = ws(0)
'Step 2: Execute the append.
strSql = "INSERT INTO tblCandidatesArchive "
strSql = strSql & " IN 'G:\Backup\My
Documents\PFS\Recruiting\MyCandidateArchiveTable.accdb' "
strSql = strSql & " SELECT * FROM tblCandidates"
strSql = strSql & " WHERE Archive <= #" & Date & "#;"
'The next statement is where it jumps to Err_Archiving:
db.Execute strSql ', dbFailOnError
'Step 5: Clean up
On Error Resume Next
Set db = Nothing
If bInTrans Then 'Rollback if the transaction is active.
End If
Set ws = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Archiving failed: # " & Err.NUMBER & " Desc: " & Err.Description,
Resume Exit_Archival
End Sub