what's this?? Related to Messenger??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam
  • Start date Start date


What's this file?

It's called msmsgs.exe.

I thought this was related to MSN Messenger, but after
looking MSN Messenger is called msnmsgr.exe and after
looking in the Process when I pressed CtrL+Alt+Del. Also,
I get also FUXNEKYC.exe no clue what that is either, nor
if its related to MSN or Windows Messenger.
Greetings Sam,

msmsgs.exe is Windows Messenger. Not sure about FUXNEKYC.exe, you might want to do a search
on your hard drive for the file, as that might give you a better indication to what it is --
however, it doesn't look too friendly.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com