Whats this in my router log?? / SNR issues


Jan 31, 2005
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Just been checking out my router logs due to having some disconnection issues, :mad: and saw this, what is it? Denial of service attack??

After the last few days with Nildrams service i am rapidly going off them....keeps disconnecting. :mad:

Tue, 2006-11-28 19:03:35 - TCP Packet - Source:,60198 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:03:35 - TCP Packet - Source:,1659 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:03:35 - TCP Packet - Source:,3768 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:03:38 - TCP Packet - Source:,21655 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:03:38 - TCP Packet - Source:,21657 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:03:38 - TCP Packet - Source:,27786 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:20 - TCP Packet - Source:,2049 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:20 - TCP Packet - Source:,2068 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:20 - TCP Packet - Source:,1810 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:20 - TCP Packet - Source:,43850 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:20 - TCP Packet - Source:,2073 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:22 - TCP Packet - Source:,12687 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:22 - TCP Packet - Source:,2470 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:22 - TCP Packet - Source:,2553 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:22 - TCP Packet - Source:,1554 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:23 - TCP Packet - Source:,1454 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:25 - TCP Packet - Source:,61424 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:26 - TCP Packet - Source:,2068 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:26 - TCP Packet - Source:,1810 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:27 - TCP Packet - Source:,43851 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:27 - TCP Packet - Source:,2956 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:27 - TCP Packet - Source:,64611 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:04:30 - TCP Packet - Source:,18519 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:28 - TCP Packet - Source:,3458 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:28 - TCP Packet - Source:,4836 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:28 - TCP Packet - Source:,3781 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:28 - TCP Packet - Source:,3384 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:29 - TCP Packet - Source:,4461 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:29 - TCP Packet - Source:,4447 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:29 - TCP Packet - Source:,60260 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:29 - TCP Packet - Source:,3796 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-11-28 19:05:29 - TCP Packet - Source:,2562 Destination:,49156 - [DOS]
i wouldn't worry about it, the log on my router has loads of them as well
Fair enough, just never noticed it before.....:)
Had things like that here too. Have you tried contacting them to see what is up? My connection kept doing that and it turned out to be the actual router :(
Reset the Router ... ie, unplug it or use the re-set switch if it has one, in most cases the Router is going bad.

Ignore DOS "attacks" we all get 'em. ;)

I have tried resetting the router, buggering about with it and all sorts. :)

Seems its a low SNR, in the evening it drops down to 1-2db from around 6 in the daytime, not good........Should be about what 12db or above isn't it?

Spoke to Nildram yesterday, were helpful, they dont want to drop the speed if it can be helped but they may have to if we cant improve things..... :(

Been reading about how to try and improve it, This page is quite good.

I have ordered some fo the filters for the sockets here to see if it makes a difference, dunno if it will, but is worth a try. Filters here

So do you think its the router? I thought these Netgear DG834's were s'posed to be solid??

Cheers for replies guys. :thumb:
The DG834 is supposed to be a good router, so if it is that then you've been unlucky. Have you tried updating the firmware on it, it's always worth a shot :)
Already done, out of the box it was a version 3 with the latest firmware, same as on the website. :(

Thanks though Ian. :)
If it helps V_R - my DG834G has a downstream SNR of 7db at the moment - upstream of 21db, haven't been experiencing any problems as yet :thumb:

And that filter is the one I use...
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Yeah, mine during the day is fine, around 6-7db, no disconnects. The problem is in the evening. It drops right down to 1-2db and sometimes even a 6 figure number that i cant remember off hand, but is a sign of a minus signal! (Something like 246823db)

Nildram reports my exchange as being congested.
Congestion status on this exchange is
Your telephone line has been identified as being on a congested exchange. If you are receiving varying speeds between 400kbs - 2000kbs at different times of the day this is likely to be a result of the congestion issue.
A provisional date of Dec 1, 2006 has been set for upgrading this exchange.
That 'provisional date' just keeps going up and up.....

If i moved BB suplier would that still be the same or do you think they mean just their part of the network/exchange?? :confused:

EDIT: hope those filters are as good as they say they are Ady, But i really dont know if it'll make any difference..... 'fingers crossed!'
Even if you moved the ADSL congestion would be the same :( How far has the date gone back as when I've checked the status of my old exchange it was fairly accurate.

Perhaps if you complain to Nildram they will be able to make sure BT do get it done. Hopefully come the 1st they will actually upgrade it :)
Well when i first joined Nilly (30th Sept) the date was set at 1st Nov. It went down and down each week.

Would you believe it, before i joined them the exchange congestion was green and the estimated speed from the bt wholesale website was at 6mb. As soon as i joined it went red and down to 4mb! Just my luck.....

I have spoke to them a couple of times, in fairness they have been good and are trying to get bt to bump the signal up or something, what ever it was they are doing it can only be done in 3 something increments. Sorry but i cant remember what it was. :o

And the filters should be here tomorrow! :D
Well new filters are in, SNR is still hanging round the 1-3db mark. But it hasn't lost synchronization yet, lets hope i ain't spoke too soon.....

EDIT: Router sync speeds as follows....

ADSL Link ............. Downstream ...... Upstream
Connection Speed .... 5600 kbps ....... 448 kbps
Line Attenuation ........ 43 db ............ 12.5 db
Noise Margin ............. 1 db .............. 23 db
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Hers my sync speeds with the DG834G:

ADSL Link.............Downstream......Upstream
Connection Speed....6592 kbps.......448 kbps
Line Attenuation........37 db...........11 db
Noise Margin...............3 db...........22 db

Not alot of difference really :thumb:
Cheers Ady,

Thats not too different from mine, Did only drop out a couple of times last night, better than it has been.

My first sync speeds were taken at 7.20 last evening....

Heres the speeds from 7.30 this morning. Notice the difference to the earlier figures....

ADSL Link.................Downstream........Upstream
Connection Speed........6784 kbps.........448 kbps
Line Attenuation...........43 db...............12.5 db
Noise Margin.................6 db................26 db

If it only would stay like that then i wouldn't have a problem, the router logs show no probs during the night when its not so busy.

Anyway, Today is the 1st of dec, and supposed to be the exchange upgrade day, lets hope so!! :D
Well the 'provisional date' has slipped to 15th Dec...... :mad:

I had the chance to mess around with the connection this weekend, I have had my two sky boxes (1 Sky+ and a standard box) unplugged from the phone line and it hasn't made a difference to the SNR, but i haven't lost sync for a while. Is that just luck or are they messing up the line somehow?? Anyone had this before? :confused:
V_R said:
Well the 'provisional date' has slipped to 15th Dec...... :mad:

I had the chance to mess around with the connection this weekend, I have had my two sky boxes (1 Sky+ and a standard box) unplugged from the phone line and it hasn't made a difference to the SNR, but i haven't lost sync for a while. Is that just luck or are they messing up the line somehow?? Anyone had this before? :confused:
yup ... needed "filters" for everything ... I was surprised at how many this guy needed ... 5 in all ... inc Sky. He went straight out and bought them, left me in his house all on me Todd.

Well i have two phone sockets and two filters, one filter per socket.
Yes they are the first thng in the sockets, and sky boxes, phone and router all plugged into them. One socket for phone and sky boxes. and another socket for pc.

Tried the test socket behind the master face plate again last night, bugger all difference......

If Nildram ask me if i have done that once more i'll.......:mad:

I am now waiting for BT to report back on the state of the line.....Wish me luck.
Just one final update, if anyones interested.

Yesterday Bt finally pulled their finger out and bumped up the SNR and they also turned on interleaving. So its around 12db in the day and 7db in the evening now and has been stable ever since! yay!
Did take a small hit in dl speed but i'd rather a stable conection than a fast one that keeps dropping out....

V_R said:
Well the 'provisional date' has slipped to 15th Dec...... :mad:
The exchange has been upgraded! :D
Congestion status on this exchange is
Your telephone line is on an un-congested exchange.