What's the trick to disabling Content Advisor.


Simon Lew

Environment: Win2kServer and workstation

I am having a heckava time trying to disable Content Advisor throughout my
network and it has become a real pain. I have tried numerous suggestions
posted on the boards and none have worked.

I have disabled Content Advisor on the workstations under the domain and
local admin id's and I even deleted the password key in the local_machine

'Software', 'Microsoft', 'Windows', 'Current

Version' and 'Policies'. (ie.







yet it reappears when I login as one of the students on that workstation.

The school is currently on break so I have the time to devote to resolving
this matter. All I need is some direction/help.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Tom Ausburne

I know that it's not quite an answer but....

155609 Cannot Remove a Forgotten Internet Explorer Ratings Password

If you do not know or have forgotten the Supervisor password, please
contact a Microsoft Support Professional for assistance. For
information about how to contact a Microsoft Support Professional,
view the following Microsoft Web site:


NOTE: In special cases, charges that are normally incurred for
support calls may be canceled, if a Microsoft Support Professional
determines that only a password reset will resolve your problem.
Normal support costs will apply to additional support questions and
issues that do not qualify for the specific password reset in

Tom Ausburne (MSFT)
Windows 2000 Directory Services
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