what's the secure way to post the jobs on the etranet?

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I have the scenario where I have one database and need to post jobs on the
intranet and then the same jobs on the extranet.
I wonder what is the most feasible and secure way of doing it without buying
second license of MS SQL to duplicate the data.
So far I am leaning towards Web Services but we have ideas for MySQL, XML
and using FTP to transfer the data in
files. Which way is the most secure and feasible or is there something else.

Any help is greatly appreciated,
I take it that the extranet web server doesn't have access to the SQL
server, but the intranet web server does?

I have a couple of ideas for this: (but here are the ones I choose to share)

"Push #1"
Assuming the SQL server can access the Extranet webserver; create a job that
makes msxml.httprequests of the extranet server and pushes a fresh list of
"Job Offerings" to the server which is stored in application cache. This
would be a complete replacement of the cachce collection, unless the amount
of data is huge, in which you then push only changes periodically and
completely replace the data during offpeak hours.

"Push #2"
Same as #1, only create a .Net assembly (winform exe, no forms) that
performs the xmlhttp work and is shelled via the SQL server.

"Push #3"
Same as #2, only the server this runs from is place somewhere on the network
that can access the Intranet Server and the Extranet Server. Poll the jobs
from the Intranet server and Pull them to the Extranet server.

Here is some untested, incomplete code I was amusing myself with to solve
for #1

Sub PushJobs()

Dim oSoap 'As XMLSoap
Dim arrJobs() 'as Jobs
Dim iRet, i 'as Long

Set oSoap = New XMLSoap

'Remove All Jobs from Extranet Server

'Load all Jobs from Database as Job Objects
iRet = GetDBJobs(arrJobs)

'Loop over the jobs
If iRet > 0 Then
For i = 0 To iRet - 1
'Push the job to the extranet server
Call oSoap.PushJob(arrJobs(i))
Next 'i
End If

Set oSoap = Nothing

End Sub

Class XMLSoap

Public Sub PushJob(Job)
' Sumbits a job to the webservice

Dim iRet 'As Long
iRet = DoPushJob("Bob", "Password", JobID)

End Sub

Public Sub QueryJob(JobID)
' Asks the server if there is a specific job defined
' returns a Job Class on success

Dim sResult 'As String

sResult = DoQueryJob("Bob", "Password", JobID)
Set QueryJob = ParseJob(sResult)

End Sub

Private Function ParseJob(SoapMessage)

'Expected Input
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
' <soap:Body>
' <QueuryJobResponse xmlns="http://myserver/myservices/JobServices">
' <QueuryJobResult>
' <JobID>long</JobID>
' <Title>string</Title>
' <Description>string</Description>
' <HireDate>dateTime</HireDate>
' <SalaryHigh>decimal</SalaryHigh>
' <SalaryLow>decimal</SalaryLow>
' <HRContact>string</HRContact>
' <HREmail>string</HREmail>
' </QueuryJobResult>
' </QueuryJobResponse>
' </soap:Body>

Dim objXML 'As DOMDocument
Dim objJob 'As Job

Set objJob = New Job

Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
objXML.LoadXML (SoapMessage)
If Not objXML.Parse.Error > 0 Then

objJob.JobID =
objXML, -1)
objJob.Title =
objXML, "")
objJob.Description =
objXML, "")
' Populate Accordingly
Set ParseJob = objJob
Exit Function
End If
Set objXML = Nothing

End Function

Public Function DoQueryJob(UserName, Password, JobID)

'Expected Output
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
' <soap:Header>
' <CredentialSoapHeader
' <Username>string</Username>
' <Password>string</Password>
' </CredentialSoapHeader>
' </soap:Header>
' <soap:Body>
' <QueuryJob xmlns="http://myserver/myservices/JobServices">
' <JobID>int</JobID>
' </QueuryJob>
' </soap:Body>

Dim sReturn 'As String
Dim objDoc 'DOMDocument

Set objDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")

SetElement "soap:Envelope/soap:Header/CredentialSoapHeader/Username",
objDoc, UserName
SetElement "soap:Envelope/soap:Header/CredentialSoapHeader/Password",
objDoc, Password
SetElement "soap:Envelope/soap:Body/QueuryJob/JobID", objDoc, JobID

Set XMLHttpRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
XMLHttpRequest.Open "GET",
"https://myserver/myservices/JobServices.asmx", True
XMLHttpRequest.Send objDoc.Text
sReturn = XMLHttpRequest.Response
Set XMLHttpRequest = Nothing

Set objDoc = Nothing

End Function

Private Function GetElementValue(XPath, XMLDoc, ValueOnVoid)

Dim objNode

objNode = objXML.SelectSingleNode(XPath)

If Not objNode Is Nothing Then
GetElementValue = objNode.NodeTypedValue
GetElementValue = ValueOnVoid
End If

End Function

Private Sub SetElement(XPath, XMLDoc, Value)

'split the path into parts using split()
'ensure each path part exists
'set value

End Sub

End Class

Class Job

Private mJobID 'As Long
Private mTitle 'As String
Private mDescription 'As String
Private mHireDate 'As Date
Private mSalaryHigh 'As Currency
Private mSalaryLow 'As Currency
Private mHRContact 'As String
Private mHREmail 'As String

Private Sub Class_Intialize()
mJobID = ""
mTitle = ""
mDescription = ""
mHireDate = #1/1/1990#
mSalaryHigh = 0@
mSalaryLow = 0@
mHRContact = ""
mHREmail = ""
End Sub

Public Property Let JobID(Value)
mJobID = Value
End Property

Public Property Get JobID()
JobID = mJobID
End Property

' Populate Accordingly

End Class
In addition to the other answers provided, I'll add one more:

How often do the job postings change? Daily? Every other day?

So put up the Intranet site as a dynamic one. Then write a little app that
will hit the Intranet site using the HttpRequest object to get the HTML
representation of the pages. Store those pages on the hard drive and
publish these (static) pages to the Extranet.

Even better, use a tool and save yourself the time of writing something. I
used to use something years ago, but I can't remember the name. I hopped
over to MSN Search and found WebMerge from FourthWorld but it is not the
same tool. I'll look around a bit more.

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.