What's the secret?



In the web.config file, there is an option for pageOutput, and a notation
that says you can view the trace in the trace.axd file. Well, there is no
trace.axd file that I can find, I've searched everywhere. So what is the
secret that is always left out to find this file. I have put pageOutput to
true and I have put it to false and run the program a gazillion times and
still do not find the trace.axd file, I do not find any axd file.

Sylvain Lafontaine

trace.axd is not a real file but a command that will be understood by the
aspx isapi manager. Simply write this url with the proper web server
location and the name of the root application (The root application may be
/ or the name of the repertory containing the application, if your web
server has many applications as defined in its configuration.). For


For trace.axd to be enable, you must have the following config:
<trace enabled="true" requestLimit="10" pageOutput="page"
traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true" />

If pageOutput is set to true, the trace will be displayed in the same
windows as the aspx page and not in the trace.axd window. Also, if you put
either the tag « trace=true » or « trace=false » in the page options, this
will override the global setting for the trace option as defined in the
web.config file.

S. L.

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