Virus Guy
Totally off topic (and please feel free to cross-post this to any
relavant and active MS newsgroup)
I happen to get Clemson Buyways bid opportunities via e-mail at my
I just got that has me scratching my head. Clemson is looking for
competitive bids for "a one year contract for software for the Microsoft
Campus Agreement". Best I can figure, it's described here:
Now I ask you - who else besides Microsoft do they expect would be able
to provide a competitive bid for that item?
I mean, why even put that out for bids in the first place?
relavant and active MS newsgroup)
I happen to get Clemson Buyways bid opportunities via e-mail at my
I just got that has me scratching my head. Clemson is looking for
competitive bids for "a one year contract for software for the Microsoft
Campus Agreement". Best I can figure, it's described here:
Now I ask you - who else besides Microsoft do they expect would be able
to provide a competitive bid for that item?
I mean, why even put that out for bids in the first place?