Whats the last book you bought

Don't buy books ...i go to the library and borrow them....its much cheaper...:nod:
"Civil Avionics Systems" - not the lightest of bed time reading, but a fantastic book for our course.

I think the last book for normal reading was The DaVinci Code (not read it yet though).
'The World According to Clarkson' by Jeremy Clarkson - very funny!! :D
Ian Cunningham said:
"Civil Avionics Systems" - not the lightest of bed time reading, but a fantastic book for our course.
I own an old RFC (pre RAF) manual on flying & modern aircraft of the time.
It is one amazing book to read.
itsme said:
Tit bits
Hey dont laugh that may be worth money, do the still sell the mag mayfair?
Conn Iggulden's Emporer: Death of Kings and Emporer: The Field of Swords, sequels to Emporer: The Gates of Rome. Got them off Amazon earlier :)
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Mark Billingham - "Sleepy Head"

I always enjoy British Detective stories :nod:
I used to be a massive book worm but now I just cant be bothered which is really baaad of me. I used to love reading!

Anyway the last book I bought recently was the new one by William Shatner,
'I'm working on that', taken from a quote by Stephen Hawking when he visited the Star Trek set in the early Seventies and saw the warp drive set in the studio. It is full of quote's and funny little stories. I'm quite enjoying it.
ukJAG said:
Conn Iggulden's Emporer: Death of Kings and Emporer: The Field of Swords, sequels to Emporer: The Gates of Rome. Got them off Amazon earlier :)

I've read them and own one of them. Brilliant series :)

Mostly borrow books from library, right now reading book two of Julia Gray's five book set 'The Guardian Cycle'

Last book I bought was Imajica by Clive Barker.