I'd like to open a form with a command button using code. The code below
does that. But I'd see both forms for a split of a second while the new form
is being opened! What would be the equivalent line of the Macro action,
Echo=No? Or what could solve this problem? Thanks
--- start of my code ---
Private Sub cbGoToFrm2_Click()
' Close frm1
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm1", acSaveYes
' Open frm2
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm2"
' Maximize the form
End Sub
--- end of my code ---
I'd like to open a form with a command button using code. The code below
does that. But I'd see both forms for a split of a second while the new form
is being opened! What would be the equivalent line of the Macro action,
Echo=No? Or what could solve this problem? Thanks
--- start of my code ---
Private Sub cbGoToFrm2_Click()
' Close frm1
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm1", acSaveYes
' Open frm2
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm2"
' Maximize the form
End Sub
--- end of my code ---