Whats the difference between asp and htm.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wayne-I-M
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Hi All

I am just starting to create a new site. I was looking for help on 1
question - what is the difference between asp pages and htm pages. Sorry to
ask what may be a simple question, but really don't know. I use asp pages on
other sites I have made for forms (one form's details can be inserted into
another, to give a continuation, etc), and I know you can't do that with htm.

But I have looked around the web and I can see many pages that "seem" to be
very simple information pages and they are asp. I "not" in any way very good
at FP but I would like to do "the right thing" and I am really keen to learn.

If there is a web page that give the difference it would be a greate help or
if you have a very simple explanation that would also be great.

Many thanks for your time and I hope you have a really great Christmas.

Hi Wayne,
Typically, an htm page is just straight HTML. It is static in the sense that
the page never changes unless you go in and manually change it. The file
extension ASP stands for Active Server Pages. This was a technology MS
introduced to it's web servers in the mid-90's to allow for dyanmic pages by
mixing server-side processing into the html. With ASP, you would write code
in VBScript that would be run on the server to do various operations such as
find information from a database, update information, send a web-based
email, pretty much anything you can think up. It's successor, ASP.Net is
much more advanced and uses the aspx file extension. ASP.Net goes beyond
VBScript and gives a web developer access to a lot more of the programming
capabilities of Windows than you had with ASP by making use of the .Net
Framework. There are other dynamic, server-side platforms out there. You may
see files ending with CFM, which stands for ColdFusion (developed by Allaire
who was bought by Macromedia who was bought by Adobe). Java Server Pages are
another platform and use the JSP file extension. Basically, if it doesn't
end in htm or html you can expect the file has the capability to add some
sort of dynamic HTML into the page, whether it's an advertisement, a popular
news feed, or random pictures from someone's vacation.
Many thanks for that.

Follow on question from your answer. If am just using "static" information
pages (htm) in some of the site and I also have some forms (asp). Will it
cause problems to "mix" them in thesame site.

The site I am making is www.folgarida.co.uk

As you can see most of the site is just information. But - I want to make
the application form "follow on". ie. Insert group leader details on one
page, group members on another, etc then at the end of the application the
whole lot is upload to my database base - I have done this on a number of
sites. Just wondering if it's OK to have both htm and asp on one site

Manchester, England.

Mark Fitzpatrick said:
Hi Wayne,
Typically, an htm page is just straight HTML. It is static in the sense that
the page never changes unless you go in and manually change it. The file
extension ASP stands for Active Server Pages. This was a technology MS
introduced to it's web servers in the mid-90's to allow for dyanmic pages by
mixing server-side processing into the html. With ASP, you would write code
in VBScript that would be run on the server to do various operations such as
find information from a database, update information, send a web-based
email, pretty much anything you can think up. It's successor, ASP.Net is
much more advanced and uses the aspx file extension. ASP.Net goes beyond
VBScript and gives a web developer access to a lot more of the programming
capabilities of Windows than you had with ASP by making use of the .Net
Framework. There are other dynamic, server-side platforms out there. You may
see files ending with CFM, which stands for ColdFusion (developed by Allaire
who was bought by Macromedia who was bought by Adobe). Java Server Pages are
another platform and use the JSP file extension. Basically, if it doesn't
end in htm or html you can expect the file has the capability to add some
sort of dynamic HTML into the page, whether it's an advertisement, a popular
news feed, or random pictures from someone's vacation.
Hi Wayne,

Pages that are .asp (stands for active server pages) are written in a
certain coding language that must be executed from a web server running IIS
(Internet Information Server) and then the resulting HTML is passed into a

Take a look here for more information:

..htm or .html stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is code that can
be executed directly in a browser.

More info here:


FrontPage generally speaking creates .htm pages. You could create .asp pages
in FrontPage..but you would need to be able to write .asp code manually to
do it.

Microsoft MVP Expression Web

Expression and FrontPage Web Forums:
Hi Joe

The website is excelent. Thank you so much for your help.

I hope you have a nice christmas.

Manchester, England.

Joe Rohn said:
Hi Wayne,

Pages that are .asp (stands for active server pages) are written in a
certain coding language that must be executed from a web server running IIS
(Internet Information Server) and then the resulting HTML is passed into a

Take a look here for more information:

..htm or .html stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is code that can
be executed directly in a browser.

More info here:


FrontPage generally speaking creates .htm pages. You could create .asp pages
in FrontPage..but you would need to be able to write .asp code manually to
do it.

Microsoft MVP Expression Web

Expression and FrontPage Web Forums:
If you are working with ASP session variable, etc., then all pages should have the .asp extensions

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Wayne-I-M said:
Many thanks for that.

Follow on question from your answer. If am just using "static" information
pages (htm) in some of the site and I also have some forms (asp). Will it
cause problems to "mix" them in thesame site.

The site I am making is www.folgarida.co.uk

As you can see most of the site is just information. But - I want to make
the application form "follow on". ie. Insert group leader details on one
page, group members on another, etc then at the end of the application the
whole lot is upload to my database base - I have done this on a number of
sites. Just wondering if it's OK to have both htm and asp on one site