hella said:
My computer loads lots of things at start-up. I want to disable some of
the junk. They are not listed under Program/Startup/ on the Start menu.
How can I get them?
For the ones you can see:
First step take them out of the start up folder\
Second step, start/run/msconfig/start up tab
For the ones you usually don't see
Open up regedit, work your way to HKLM/software/Microsoft/windows/current
also HKLM/software/Microsoft/windows/current version/run once
well there are a bunch of them there are also some under current user also.
I have recently however been playing around with knoppix a live CD Linux
destro and I sure like the idea of knowing that the OS is 100% virus immune,
well I know what you are saying to your self *no OS is 100% virus immune*;
but seeing as how knoppix is running from a CD without there even being a HD
in the machine I am using to browse the web, and the OS is a Linux destro
and the CD is a CDR booting up in a regular CDROM, I think I am safe in
making the above claims<VBEG>
From the Desk of Sugien
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