What's the best way to place a Amber Alert on your page



I have this from the Amber Alert site:

<!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" src="http://www.codeamber.org/js/codea.js">
<!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright codeamber.org 2002, 2003,

Should I put this into a 'Insert>Web Component>Advanced Controls>Java
If so, What do I put into the source field?

The help file is 'less' that clear on this.

Please and thank you.

Steve Easton

Just place the code in a cell or div on the page.
It does not require / have anything to do with a java applet, because it is "javascript" not Java

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Tom Gahagan

Click the html tab and place it in a table cell or in a div tag.

Best to you.......
Tom Gahagan

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

for the easiest way:
set your cursor in the page where you want this alert to show, then hit
insert/ web component/ advanced control/ HTML.
then paste the code below into that dialog box.
if you do it this way it's guaranteed that FrontPage won't mess with the
code and you'll also get a visual "place keeper" where you put it (question
mark in a yellow square)


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

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