YKhan said:
The game I'm most interested in is Black & White 2. I've heard that
it's a machine breaker. And so far, yes, it's lived up to its
Well, the 512MB mid-level card was cheaper than the 256MB high-end
card. I don't even want to think about 1GB/2GB at the moment. Let's
just say there were budget constraints.
So far, I've kept the resolution a nice compromise, less than the
maximum that the monitor can display, but keeping the same aspect
ratios. I'll bump up the resolution if I find it's going well. But so
far the game is just barely responsive enough.
Yousuf Khan
Sorry, just re-read your post and realized you were asking about ram on the
video card. I thought it was the typical question of whether more system ram
or a faster video card should be purchased.
I would say the better gpu would certainly be the way to go (although the
better gpu's also usually have consequently more ram - so I'm not sure just
how easy it is to make the choice you are describing). 256mb is still
relatively high-end for video cards, whereas the gpu's themselves can still
be a limiting factor. Also, the slower gpu's can also be crippled versions
of the faster gpu's, so even if you do have more memory, the memory
bandwidth can be crippled which is largely negating the benefits of more
ram. So in short, I think definitely go with the better gpu unless someone
has specific experience with Black and White 2 and says differently. I
presume you have already looked at the benchmarks on websites, as I believe
a number of them do use Black and White 2 for benchmarking.