Hi all,
Well its now happened to me also, one night I am talking happily away to
friends on MSN messenger 6.1, turned of the comp for the night the next day
I find I can no longer establish Voice communications, I have tried all
sorts and a restore back to the day it worked but no change.
So the question is what changed over night while my comp was sleeping did it
wake up and decide no more or what.
Why is msn messenger so flaky with voice coms, Yahoo works no problem as
does eyball and many others but why is msn the dog!
Any one any ideas as to why things have decided to no longer work as nothing
has changed on my comp.
I am on 1mb ADSL through a SAR715 router again nothings changed with
Well its now happened to me also, one night I am talking happily away to
friends on MSN messenger 6.1, turned of the comp for the night the next day
I find I can no longer establish Voice communications, I have tried all
sorts and a restore back to the day it worked but no change.
So the question is what changed over night while my comp was sleeping did it
wake up and decide no more or what.
Why is msn messenger so flaky with voice coms, Yahoo works no problem as
does eyball and many others but why is msn the dog!
Any one any ideas as to why things have decided to no longer work as nothing
has changed on my comp.
I am on 1mb ADSL through a SAR715 router again nothings changed with